Beginning the Process

When a new window is commissioned I visit the site to asses the situation of the new glazing. I will discuss with my customer their requirements and take those into consideration as I begin the process of designing. This is for me a most time consuming aspect, as the new window begins its life on paper - both as a scaled drawing and as a cartoon, which is true to size. When this has been agreed, I will go on to manufacture the window with all the various techniques available to me. Cutting the glass before working on it's surface,acid etching, painting and silver staining before firing the pieces, perhaps abrading or engraving before leading together the glass pieces, soldering and finally cementing to weatherproof.    


St. Barnabas Church, Rhandirmwyn

A pair of memorial windows fitted in 2015.  


Private house, Lowestoft 

A lovely commission to celebrate aspects of the owners life experiences. Fitted in the front door in 2016.